Thursday, September 13, 2007

not Cheating.....not Trying?

Only two words are needed to describe a surprising situation that we have all heard too much about over the past week or so....Patriots...and...CHEATING! Who would have thought that one of the most dominant sports franchises of the twenty-first century could have possibly reached their status by way of video camera? Now I’m no fool, and I realize that there are probably a few other teams employing the same tactics as Bill Belichick’s Patriots, but the point is that the Patriots are the one’s that got caught. If Belichick is supposed to be some kind of “genius”, why did he get caught having a team of people recording the sideline of the New York Jets…..let’s think about that for a minute…the Jets…coached by Eric Mangini…who was an assistant coach under none other then….Bill Belichick! Wow, there’s a true “genius” for you! As Nick Bakay of said, “It probably wasn't the brightest move to steal signals against former disciple Eric Mangini, who might have been hip to the protocol from his days in New England.”( So it seems that the man that so many people have praised for his “genius” game planning and play calling; is nothing more than a regular yet poorly dressed coach and a cheater(not the best one either, seeing as how he got caught). But how long has the organization been going at it; how many wins should be accompanied by an asterisk? How many Super Bowls? Now the NFL has to deal with the fact that not only are there individual players cheating (via steroids & HGH), but there are entire teams giving themselves an unfair advantage as well. Perhaps the most confusing part of the entire ordeal is that the Patriots are looked at by many as a top contender for the Super Bowl, so why would they have to cheat? This can be looked at as confirmation to the idea that the strong want to be stronger and the rich want to be richer; and they will do what they must in order to accomplish their goals. Or we could look at this situation as the reason why the Patriots have had so much success over the past few years. The Patriots have always been looked at in such awe for taking a lot of players that were all considered to be “average” athletes, and putting them together into this incredible team. Perhaps the team is not what it is made up to be and their winning ways can be attributed to a crew of guys in the stands with a video camera. It all comes down to your personal opinion and whether or not you believe this to be a one time thing, or do you believe the reports that this has been going on for a longer period of time?

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