Friday, October 12, 2007

?????Oh Henry

Why is it that athletes do so much dumb stuff when they know that they’re most likely going to get caught, and when they do, the whole world is going to know their entire life story? With all of the stories about athletes getting into trouble going around: Vick, Pac-Man, Tank Johnson etc., I figured that I would throw Travis Henry’s name out there. As many of you probably know, Henry is facing a possible (and very likely) yearlong suspension from the NFL due to breaking the league substance abuse policy….again. Simply put, he has been smoking too much reefer. What most people don’t realize is how many problems this guy really has. According to Len Pasquarelli, Travis was less than two weeks away from having his slate wiped clean when he filed his lawsuit to block further testing of a urine sample that had tested positive for marijuana ( ). However, his problems do not end with the NFL, now fantasy football players whom have Henry on their teams are looking to file their own lawsuits against not only Travis, but the Broncos as well if it turns out that they were possibly aware of the situation before it got out. On top of that, now the whole world knows that Henry is a father of 9…..and he has to pay child support to all 9 of the mothers. Yea, you read that correctly, he has 9 kids by 9 different women. The point is that Travis Henry’s world is all messed up. I personally feel that the media should stay out of people’s personal life, but I understand that it’s not easy. Especially when the focal point of a story has so much more going on than what people realize. And what’s up with the fans these days? First you have the Jets fans suing the Patriots because of “spy gate” and now they are going after Henry because they might lose in their fantasy league. Either way, this goes to show that professional athletes should try to stay out of the lime light because it’s very likely that not much good will come out of it.

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