Sunday, October 21, 2007

Don't Get Hurt

Should a player be able to lose his job due to injury? This is a question that comes up all the time in the NFL. The question asks, if a starter gets hurt, is it right that he is permanently replaced by his backup if the backup comes in and performs well. There are several different possible answers to this question, and each is based on its own scenario. The two things that a coach must look at when making his decision are how deep into the season are we and how was the starter performing before he got hurt? Now obviously if Peyton Manning or Tom Brady were to get hurt, their job would be there waiting for them to get better. Where this question comes into effect are with the less proven, less consistent, usually very young, or very old players. Take a look at Vince Young who strained his right quadriceps in last week's 13-10 loss at Tampa Bay when he scrambled for a 2-yard gain and was pushed out of bounds ( Regardless of how his backup performs, Vince should have his job back as soon as he gets healthy. This is because he has performed well for his team and they are in a pretty good position (record wise) at this point in the season. If his team was 1-6 and Young was performing horribly, then maybe there could be an argument make for his backup Kerry Collins. Like I said, it as all scenario based, but in general, I feel that someone should not be sat because they got hurt and their backup came in and did well.

1 comment:

Corey said...

I like the blog you wrote. It is a tough question to ask about whether a backup should take a starters spot because they do well when a starter is injured. I think it all depends on how the team chemistry is with the quarterback and how well the starter was doing before he got injured. But look at it this way, Jeff Garcia took the spot of Donovan Mcnabb when he was injured and took the Eagles into the playoffs. If he didn't have an opportunity to play as much as he did then he wouldn't have been picked up by Tampa Bay and used as a starter. It is a hard decision to make and thats why its hard to be a coach in a situation like that.